Quest For The Perfect Christmas Tree

Boots rustle in the foyer. Coats are slowly lifted off of hooks; scarves and gloves are extracted from baskets designating each owner’s name. There is a hush in the room. Eyes dart back and forth, hearts race in various states of nervousness, unbelief, courage, fear

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Coram Deo: The Event

CORAM DEO (a night of acoustic worship) …acoustic worship …ancient hymns …contemporary songs …prayers from all streams of the Church, …candles and images, …extended time to linger in the presence of God. Coram Deo is a Latin phrase meaning, “…in the presence of God.” Held

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IdeaMill: Useful Links

This company apparently helps you get your idea in front of corporate eyes: This company aids inventors, apparently:

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Social Constructionism & Narrative Therapy

Some use “postmodern” to refer to culture, and others use it to refer to “philosophy.” Your church movement is relevant to postmodern “culture,” but not necessarily to “philosophy.” Culture as Postmodern Tolerance Multi-sensory Process Mobile relationships Community (but not many succeed and last) Philosophy as

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