Category: Archive Assortment

Thoughts On Pascal’s Pensees

After his 2 hour “Fire” encounter, he spent his entire life trying to convince people that Christ is real. The collection is just his thoughts, a book he never finished, what he thought would be the final apologetic convincing everyone that Jesus is the Christ.

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A Synthesis Of My Master’s Work

Love carried by humility. Humility carrying love. You carry a stream, an emphasis. Live it, and present it with humility. All the greatest thinkers of history had something beautiful to say, but also something awful. Our key verse was: “If you will return… if you

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Thoughts From The Weight Of Glory

This is my favorite book, or message, ever, outside of the Scriptures. What a joy to study it in class. I don’t agree with every small bit, but I do agree with its energy, and its quest to both celebrate God’s glory and celebrate human

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Thoughts On Life Together

I must note this: There are so many riches in this book, and that were pouring from our discussion that I decided to cease taking notes so that I could learn. I must recommend that you read this book twice. Once is simply not enough

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Last Day Of Master’s Class Work

Today is the final day of Master’s work, before our thesis year. It’s been grueling, but more than worth the journey. Good friends from across the states and Canada will be connected by threads (as the SSU student body prayed for us) of community, and

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