This Good Friday responsive reading is meant to embody a number of different biblical approaches to the work of the cross, namely the work of the cross related to love, redemption, sacrifice and victory.
It also seeks to affirm the apostle Paul’s perspective, that the work of the cross is incomplete without the resurrection.
It’s my prayer that, if you choose to use it, it serves you and/or your community well in your Good Friday worship experience.
All: In Your cross, we truly see
Celebrant: The God who suffers,
Community: To show us the magnificence of love.
Celebrant: The God who offers,
Community: To purchase those He made by love.
Celebrant: The God who chooses,
Community: To sacrifice His greatest love.
Celebrant: The God who conquers,
Community: The pow’rs of ages by force of love.
Women: In Your cross, we see the God who nurtures, shares and gives.
Men: In Your cross, we see the God who suffers, dies, then lives.
Celebrant: In Your cross, we see the pathway,
Community: In Your cross, we see the fullness,
All: In Your cross, we see the supremacy of love that suffers, redeems, sacrifices and rises in victory.
Celebrant: In Your cross we see humanity freed from powers unseen, within and without. In Your cross, we see the way to life marked by love that faces death, surrenders it’s will, gives without limit, and lives to serve another.
Community: Your life-giving Spirit begins this work of love in us. Your resurrection life seals this work of love for us. Your transforming hope draws this love from us, to be dispensed into our world.
Celebrant: We welcome today Your gifts of new creation,
Community: In our lives and in our world.
All: Your love has won the day. Amen and amen.
written by Dan Wilt
The Institute Of Contemporary And Emerging Worship Studies
St. Stephen’s University